Flight Consulting Group has more than 20 years of experience in aviation and provides comprehensive solutions for flight support, business jet ground handling, organising private charters, buying and selling aircraft, and aviation consulting. We pay special attention to the quality of our services, making our customers’ wishes and needs our top priority!


The ‘Flight Consulting Group’ Holding Company was established in 2000 and provides comprehensive solutions in the business aviation area. By investing in our subsidiary companies and assisting them in the planning, financing, information technology and legal matters, Flight Consulting Group is consistently expanding its service portfolio meeting the current needs of the customers. Our headquarters are located in Riga, Latvia (EU).

Flight Consulting Group along with the subsidiary companies offers comprehensive solutions in business aviation that include:







Flight Consulting Group owns the ultra-modern Business Aviation Center FBO RIGA at the Riga International Airport. The official opening of Business Aviation Center FBO RIGA – which is one of the largest business aviation centers in the European Union and the largest in the Baltics, and which meets the highest standards of safety and customer service quality – took place in September 2015.

A team of professionals – Baltic Business Aviation Center, provides VIP charter organization all over the world: from Europe to Asia and from Australia to America. With rich experience and knowledge of the nuances, the company is able to make sure that any of the customer's expectations are met at the highest quality.

The current total staff of the holding and the subsidiaries amounts to 90 top-ranked specialists. Over its successful years of work, Flight Consulting Group has proven itself a reliable and dedicated partner.

FCG OPS, a part of Flight Consulting Group, is one of the largest and most experienced operational control centers (OCC) in Europe. The company provides outsourced dispatch services, international trip support, ground handling services within a network of more than 50 airports across the Baltics, Scandinavia, Central Asia and Eastern Europe, IATA certified travel services for aviation crew members, and fuel services. FCG OPS offers flexible solutions for air operators, corporate fleet, private aircraft, air ambulance, military & governmental organizations, and specific flight purpose (aircraft delivery, around-the-world flights and others).

Flight Consulting Group’s main advantages are our highest-quality services, close attention to all the details and wishes of our customers, as well as our team of top professionals.


Our mission is to become one of the biggest players on the market and provide integrated, high-quality, and cost-effective solutions in the business aviation area while furthering our sustainable development and improvements.


Our vision is to reach a global scale in business aviation and become a competent and reliable partner for other market players.


We seek to become one of the largest players on the business aviation market and provide services of the highest quality, meeting all the needs and wishes of our customers and partners.



On 21 July Roman Starkov establishes Flight Consulting Group, a company offering services in international flight support and charter flight management. The company services Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, and German operators.


The company concludes a contract with the Riga International Airport and starts providing services in handling the airport’s non-scheduled flights.


The first around-the-world flight with the Hawker 800 plane is managed.

The company is servicing nearly 10 airline companies from different countries on a permanent basis.

An international tender is won and an order is received to service a charter programme for 350 flights to Spain with the Il 86 airplane.


The company gradually becomes one of the leading service providers in handling international flights across the ex-Soviet territory. The business aviation market develops rapidly, and the number of the company’s customers grows.


The concept for a Business Aviation Center at the Riga International Airport is developed, in which the company is going to invest its own funds.

The number of flights handled and services by the company exceeds 20,000. Flight Consulting Group services the majority of non-scheduled flights at Riga Airport and dozens of Western- and Eastern-European airline companies.


Leonid Gorodnitski becomes a partner of Roman Starkov at one of Flight Consulting Group companies, who was a head of one of the first business aviation airline in the former USSR from 2000 to 2005. As part of the airline a concept the preliminary design of Business Aviation Center in Riga was developed and approved in 2004.

Flight Consulting Group purchases an ex-DHL building at Riga Airport and launches Project FBO (Fixed Base Operator), consisting of a hangar and a business aviation terminal.


The company begins providing consulting services in the business aviation area. Several international projects are implemented.


Flight Consulting Group expands its range of services in international flight support. The first airplanes are transferred to complete dispatching support by the company.


The ground handling business at Riga Airport is transferred to a separate company, FBO RIGA.

FBO RIGA opens a Business Aviation Support Center, the first in the Baltics.

FCG Holding invites Lufthansa Bombardier Aviation Service Company to Riga and signs a contract for the opening of a technical maintenance station.

JET TRAVEL is established, an IATA-certified travel agency specializing in servicing business aviation flight crews across the globe.


Riga becomes one of the leading European Business Aviation Centers, at which more than 20 airplanes are based.


The number of planes serviced on a permanent basis comes close to 70. The company creates a service network in the Baltic States, Belarus, and Kaliningrad.


FCG Aviation Development Company is established, which wins the right to build a new Business Aviation Center at Riga Airport in an open tender. Design of the new FBO RIGA Center begins.


The FBO RIGA Center design is approved and construction begins.


The modernization of the holding’s automated work system is singled out into a separate direction, and a proprietary software is developed to integrate the functionality of ERP, CRM, flight management, reporting and business analytics – АТОМ (Air Traffic Operation Management).


Construction of the new FBO RIGA center is finished and has already opened its doors to customers of Flight Consulting Group Holding. It has become one of the largest centers in Northern and Eastern Europe and the largest center in the Baltics.

2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015


The current total staff of the holding has more than 70 top-ranked specialists.

Over its years of work, Flight Consulting Group has proven itself a reliable and dedicated partner.

Roman Starkov

Roman Starkov

Founder, co-owner
Leonid Gorodnitski

Leonid Gorodnitski




The cornerstone of Flight Consulting Group’s successful business is a solid team. We take care of our employees and support development of their broader personal and professional competencies.


Our team is comprised of well-rounded persons. We are all different, and this is precisely what makes our company dynamic, open-minded, and success-oriented.


The secret to the high efficiency of our work is the synergy within our team. Every employee has an important place in the organizational structure, and we all think as one.


We take responsibility in everything we do, be it our job tasks or the attitude to our customers, our employees, and ourselves.


We treat our customers and ourselves with respect and trust. It is one of the key features of our business.


We are always ready for a challenge and committed to taking on complicated tasks. This enables us to continue our professional development and perfection.

This is how we live. This is how we feel. This is how we work.


Flight Consulting Group Ltd.

15 Dzirnieku Str., Riga Airport,
LV-1053, Latvia
Tel: +371 67 207 300


Tel: +371 67 207 721



Tel: +371 67 668 676



Tel: +371 67 668 668



Tel: +371 67 033 390


FCG Aviation Development

Tel: +371 67 207 300



FCG OPS is ready for Ground Handling International

Do not forget to mark you calendars for 3-5th of December. We will be exhibiting at the 25th Annual Ground Handling International Conference in Barcelona! Join us at Booth E25 to connect with our team and explore how we can support your ground handling needs.

FCG OPS is ready for Ground Handling International


FBO RIGA: Winner of the Latvian National Contest for the Annual Construction Industry Award

On March 10, 2016, Riga hosted the ceremony where the winners were chosen and awarded with the Annual Latvian Construction Industry Award (“Latvijas Būvniecības Gada balva”). The winners were announced based on the results of the national contest.

FBO RIGA, the center of business aviation, which was commissioned in September 2015, also participated in the contest. 

The jury awarded FBO RIGA in two categories at a time: 

In nomination of New Construction or Modernization — Logistics and Production Centre — the first place was awarded to an hangar of FBO RIGA. In nomination of New Construction — Public Facilities — the third place was awarded a boutique terminal of FBO RIGA.

The award ceremony took place at the Ziemeļblāzma Palace of Culture. Commemorative statuettes and diplomas were awarded to the owners of Flight Consulting Group Roman Starkov and Leonid Gorodnitski, as well as to the general contractor SIA Ostas celtnieks, the project engineer SIA LVCT and the architect of the project Valdis Onkelis.

FBO RIGA Center includes an hangar with an area of 8,400 square meters, which is designed for storage of aircraft and their maintenance, as well as a modern business aviation boutique terminal with an area of 1,200 square meters created both for passenger service and holding premium class international meetings, presentations, and events. The total area of the complex makes 12,000 square meters.

FBO RIGA is a unique project, both in terms of its design and construction. As the center was designed with future needs in mind, it had to meet not only the current needs of the market, but also had to take into account something that customers might want tomorrow. Therefore, when designing and constructing the infrastructure facilities, advanced technologies and best global practices were used. For example, the hangar is unique due to its support-free arched structure with a span of 98 meters carried by reinforced concrete columns. The roof was covered using ultralight and durable Protan coating. The key equipment is mounted on top of the arches: automatic foam fire-extinguishing system, LED lighting, and heating system consisting of instant infrared panels. Other features worth mentioning include Butzbach sliding hangar doors equipped with electronic control and automatic locking systems in case of smoke spread, etc. All this enables the hangar, first, to easily hold up to 5 Boeing Business Jets, or 9 Gulfstream 550 business jets, or 20 Learjet-60 aircraft as its inner area for aircraft accommodation reaches 6,700 square meters; second, to reduce the time needed for each operation and, third, to ensure significant energy saving, and, finally, which is the most important, to ensure compliance of the hangar with the most stringent safety requirements.

FBO RIGA passenger boutique terminal features a unique architectural solution. Due to the irregular shape of the building, the terminal harmonizes with the massive hangar in a way that creates a single architectural motif. 

When developing the project, a modern concept of the boutique terminal was chosen, which implies exclusive services, unique interior design, and exceptional functionality. 

Particular attention must be paid to the interior design in the style of modern classics upon the project by Zane Tetere, one of the most successful designers of Latvia. A perfectly clever geometry of public facilities and sitting areas, natural soft lighting, exclusive finishing with rare woods and stones, premium class furniture made by well-known Italian furniture manufacturers, paintings of famous artists on the walls — all this creates an elegant and at the same time relaxed atmosphere for the passengers waiting for the flight. The ground floor of the building comprises six comfortable sitting areas, two VIP meeting rooms, a bar, and an art gallery. The first floor of the terminal houses a conference room and offices. A separate space is occupied by FCG OPS, a certified 24/7 flight operations control center, supporting more than 90 business aviation aircraft flying daily around the world. 

From the very beginning, FBO RIGA center demonstrated stable development, and in January 2016, the company announced launching of a new MRO line station in conjunction with SOLINAIR, a certified provider of aircraft maintenance services, and in cooperation with Lufthansa Bombardier Aviation Services.

FBO RIGA is part of the Flight Consulting Group aviation holding.

On March 01–20, all residents and guests of Riga can also see the facilities taking part in the contest: the city center (Līvu Square) hosts a photo exhibition of the participating projects, including the hangar and business aviation terminal of FBO RIGA.

About the Contest: the Latvian National Contest Latvian Construction Industry („Būvindustrijas Lielās balvas”) has been held since 2011. The Contest is organized by such magazines as Latvian Architecture (Latvijas Architektūra) and Latvian Construction Industry (“Latvijas Būvniecība). The Contest is held under the auspices of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Real Estate Department of the Riga City Council and the State Inspectorate for Heritage Protection.

For more information about the Contest, please visit the website: www.latvijasbuvnieciba.lv



We are always happy to welcome qualified and talented specialists to our team who are willing to contribute to the development of the holding and grow along with it. We invite both young enthusiasts and acknowledged leaders who are ready for new challenges and achievements.

Please familiarise yourself with the career opportunities at Flight Consulting Group. Send us your application and join our team of professionals!

Current vacancies

Flight Dispatcher

Your duties and responsibilities will include

• Arrange and coordinate all services and permits for the flight
• Collaborate with external providers to manage ground services arrangements
• Active Flight monitoring in our daily traffic program
• Review weather reports and forecasts to determine the best route and altitude for the flight
• Provide flight crews with a comprehensive briefing and operational flight plan
• Manage operational flight plans, weather briefing and charts, NOTAMs, mass and balance calculations, performance data, overfly and landing permits, aircraft handling, airport slot, fuel, catering etc. on daily basis


• Flexibility to work in shifts (including night)
• Multi-tasking skills
• High sense of responsibility and attention to details
• Ability to find solutions in challenging situations
• Excellent communication and teamwork skills, with a dose of flexibility
• Good written and spoken English skills, additional language (French, Spanish, German) is an advantage
• Previous experience with similar requirements will be considered as an advantage

We offer

• Competitive base salary and additional performance-based monetary rewards
• Health insurance including dentist (after probation period)
• Comprehensive international trainings
• Opportunities for career growth
• Experience in aviation on a global scale
• A modern office with free parking
• Team building & social events


The work and ongoing projects of Flight Consulting Group Holding and its companies are highly appreciated among professionals in business aviation, as well as other areas.

FCG OPS is one of the largest European operational control centers providing international trip support and dispatch services as well as ground handling support within the network of more than 40 airports.

and Trip Support

FCG OPS is certified 24/7 dispatch
center offering individual and flexible flight support solutions for:

  • Air operators:
    • Business aviation
    • Charter/ACMI airlines
    • Cargo airlines
    • Regular airlines
  • Private aircraft owners
  • Corporate flight departments
  • Military organizations
  • Governmental organizations
  • Trip support companies

Services How services can be customized?


Route building and optimization using PPS, ARINCDirect or JetPlanner, OFP package preparation, ATC FPL filing, CFMU slot management, flight watch, MVT distribution.


Full range of ground services arrangement: airport handling, customs/immigration, slot/PPR, passenger handling, catering. Exclusive volume-based discounts.


Fuel price comparison in more than 100 locations, ad-hoc price tendering from numerous global and local fuel suppliers. Exclusive volume-based rates.


Worldwide overfly and landing permit obtaining directly from Civil Aviation Authorities including urgent, ambulance, charter, and cargo flights.

Permits map.

Travel Services

24/7 hotel accommodation, air tickets, visa support and transfer services for crew members by professional IATA registered travel agency. Adjustment for air crew needs.

Customer access to FCG scheduling system ATOM

  • User-friendly fleet scheduling timeline
  • Access to all relevant information about the flight:
    • Status of each service (permit, handling, catering)
    • Crew and passenger lists
    • Providers contact information
  • Full flights archive
  • Report and document generation from the system
  • Full airport data base
  • Actual NOTAMs and weather reports
  • Data exchange setup with scheduling system

Ground Handling Network

Full range of ground handling services under supervision of FCG OPS dedicated staff on apron within more than 40 airports in Baltics, Scandinavia, CIS and Eastern Europe. Own FBO and hangar in Riga, Latvia.

FCG OPS exclusive crew rooms in Baltic states:

  • Riga (EVRA / RIX)
  • Tallinn (EETN / TLL)
  • Tartu (EETU / TAY)


VIP Services
Open full stations list


For operational questions (24/7)
+371 67 207 721
For commercial enquiries
+371 67 033 389
Riga International Airport
Slot/PPR: not required
Airport of entry: yes
Pax handling: GAT
Customs in facilities: available
Hangar: available
Ramp access: available
Fire category: 7
Fuel: Jet A-1
More information
Contacts: ops@riga.aero +371 67 207 721
Sandefjord Torp Airport
Slot/PPR: not required
Airport of entry: yes
Pax handling: GAT
Customs in facilities: available
Hangar: available
Ramp access: available
Fire category: 9
Fuel: Jet A-1, Avgas
More information
Contacts: ento@fcg.aero +45 8987 2338
Oslo Airport / Gardermoen
Slot/PPR: slot
Airport of entry: yes
Pax handling: GAT
Customs in facilities: available
Hangar: available
Fire category: 9
Fuel: Jet A-1, Avgas
More information
Contacts: engm@fcg.aero +45 8987 2338
Turku Airport
Slot/PPR: not required
Airport of entry: yes
Pax handling: VIP Hall
Customs in facilities: available
Ramp access: available
Fire category: 5
Fuel: Jet A-1, Avgas
More information
Contacts: eftu@fcg.aero +358 9 4245 1672
Rovaniemi Airport
Slot/PPR: slot
Airport of entry: yes
Customs in facilities: available
Ramp access: available
Fire category: 5
Fuel: Jet A-1, Avgas
More information
Contacts: efro@fcg.aero +358 9 4245 1672
Pori Airport
Slot/PPR: not required
Airport of entry: yes
Customs in facilities: available
Ramp access: available
Fire category: 7
Fuel: Jet A-1
More information
Contacts: efpo@fcg.aero +358 9 4245 1672
Tampere-Pirkkala Airport
Slot/PPR: not required
Airport of entry: yes
Customs in facilities: available
Fire category: 7
Fuel: Jet A-1, Avgas
More information
Contacts: eftp@fcg.aero +358 9 4245 1672
Odense Airport / Hans Christian Andersen
Slot/PPR: slot
Airport of entry: yes
Pax handling: GAT
Customs in facilities: available
Ramp access: available
Fire category: 7
Fuel: Jet A-1, Avgas
More information
Contacts: ekod@fcg.aero +45 8987 2338
Billund Airport
Slot/PPR: slot
Airport of entry: yes
Pax handling: VIP Lounge
Customs in facilities: available
Hangar: available
Ramp access: available
Fire category: 7
Fuel: Jet A-1, Avgas
More information
Contacts: ekbi@fcg.aero +45 8987 2338
Tallinn Airport
Slot/PPR: not required
Airport of entry: yes
Pax handling: VIP Terminal
Customs in facilities: available
Hangar: available
Ramp access: available
Fire category: 8
Fuel: Jet A-1, Avgas
More information
Contacts: eetn@fcg.aero +372 60 24250
Tartu Airport
Slot/PPR: not required
Airport of entry: yes
Customs in facilities: available
Hangar: available
Ramp access: available
Fire category: 5
Fuel: Jet A-1, Avgas
More information
Contacts: eetu@fcg.aero +372 60 24250
Kuressaare Airport
Slot/PPR: not required
Airport of entry: yes
Customs in facilities: available
Ramp access: available
Fire category: 7
Fuel: Jet A-1, Avgas
More information
Contacts: eeke@fcg.aero +372 60 24250
Vilnius International Airport
Slot/PPR: not required
Airport of entry: yes
Pax handling: VIP Terminal
Customs in facilities: available
Ramp access: available
Fire category: 7
Fuel: Jet A-1
More information
Contacts: eyvi@fcg.aero +370 5 220 0250
Palanga Airport
Slot/PPR: not required
Airport of entry: yes
Customs in facilities: available
Fire category: 7
Fuel: Jet A-1, Avgas
More information
Contacts: eypa@fcg.aero +370 5 220 0250
Kaunas Airport
Slot/PPR: not required
Airport of entry: yes
Customs in facilities: available
Ramp access: available
Fire category: 7
Fuel: Jet A-1, Avgas
More information
Contacts: eyka@fcg.aero +370 5 220 0250
Siauliai International Airport
Airport of entry: yes
Pax handling: VIP Hall
Customs in facilities: available
Fire category: 7
Fuel: Jet A-1
More information
Contacts: eysa@fcg.aero +370 5 220 0250
Tbilisi International Airport
Slot/PPR: not required
Airport of entry: yes
Pax handling: VIP Hall
Customs in facilities: available
Hangar: available
Fire category: 7
Fuel: Jet A-1, Avgas
More information
Contacts: ugtb@fcg.aero +7 4959 273 382
Yerevan Zvartnots Airport
Slot/PPR: not required
Airport of entry: yes
Pax handling: VIP Hall
Customs in facilities: available
Fire category: 9
Fuel: Jet A-1
More information
Contacts: udyz@fcg.aero +7 4959 273 382
Baku Heydar Aliyev Int. Airport
Slot/PPR: not required
Airport of entry: yes
Pax handling: VIP Hall
Customs in facilities: available
Fire category: 8
Fuel: Jet A-1
More information
Contacts: ubbb@fcg.aero +7 4959 273 382
Nursultan Nazarbayev Airport
Slot/PPR: not required
Airport of entry: yes
Pax handling: VIP Terminal
Customs in facilities: available
Hangar: available
Fire category: 9
Fuel: Jet A-1
More information
Contacts: uaaa@fcg.aero +7 4959 273 382
Almaty International Airport
Slot/PPR: not required
Airport of entry: yes
Pax handling: VIP Hall
Customs in facilities: available
Hangar: available
Fire category: 9
Fuel: Jet A-1
More information
Contacts: uaaa@fcg.aero +7 4959 273 382
Tashkent International Airport
Slot/PPR: not required
Airport of entry: yes
Pax handling: VIP Hall
Customs in facilities: available
Fire category: 9
Fuel: Jet A-1
More information
Contacts: uttt@fcg.aero +7 4959 273 382
Ashgabat Airport
Slot/PPR: not required
Airport of entry: yes
Pax handling: VIP Hall
Customs in facilities: available
Fire category: 7
Fuel: Jet A-1
More information
Contacts: utaa@fcg.aero +7 4959 273 382
Turkmenbashi Airport
Slot/PPR: not required
Airport of entry: yes
Pax handling: VIP Hall
Customs in facilities: available
Fire category: 6
Fuel: Jet A-1
More information
Contacts: utak@fcg.aero +7 4959 273 382
Turkmenabat International Airport
Slot/PPR: not required
Airport of entry: yes
Pax handling: VIP Hall
Customs in facilities: available
Fire category: 9
Fuel: Jet A-1
More information
Contacts: utav@fcg.aero +7 4959 273 382
Manas International Airport
Slot/PPR: not required
Airport of entry: yes
Pax handling: VIP Hall
Customs in facilities: available
Fire category: 9
Fuel: Jet A-1
More information
Contacts: ucfm@fcg.aero +7 4959 273 382
International Airport Dushanbe
Slot/PPR: not required
Airport of entry: yes
Pax handling: VIP Hall
Customs in facilities: available
Hangar: available
Fire category: 7
Fuel: Jet A-1
More information
Contacts: utdd@fcg.aero +7 4959 273 382
Tirana International Airport
Slot/PPR: slot
Airport of entry: yes
Customs in facilities: not available
Ramp access: available
Fire category: 7
Fuel: Jet A-1, Avgas
More information
Contacts: lati@fcg.aero +385 1777 6445
Sarajevo International Airport
Slot/PPR: slot
Airport of entry: yes
Pax handling: VIP Lounge
Customs in facilities: not available
Fire category: 8
Fuel: Jet A-1
More information
Contacts: lqsa@fcg.aero +385 1777 6445
Zagreb Airport
Slot/PPR: not required
Airport of entry: yes
Pax handling: GAT
Customs in facilities: available
Fire category: 9
Fuel: Jet A-1, Avgas
More information
Contacts: ldza@fcg.aero +385 1777 6445
Zadar Zemunik Airport
Airport of entry: yes
Pax handling: VIP Terminal
Customs in facilities: available
Hangar: available
Ramp access: available
Fire category: 9
Fuel: Jet A-1, Avgas
More information
Contacts: ldzd@fcg.aero +385 1777 6445
Split Airport
Slot/PPR: slot
Airport of entry: yes
Customs in facilities: not available
Fire category: 7
Fuel: Jet A-1, Avgas
More information
Contacts: ldsp@fcg.aero +385 1777 6445
Dubrovnik Cilipi Airport
Slot/PPR: not required
Airport of entry: yes
Pax handling: VIP Hall
Customs in facilities: not available
Fire category: 9
Fuel: Jet A-1, Avgas
More information
Contacts: lddu@fcg.aero +385 1777 6445
Pula Airport
Slot/PPR: slot
Airport of entry: yes
Pax handling: VIP Lounge
Customs in facilities: not available
Ramp access: available
Fire category: 9
Fuel: Jet A-1, Avgas
More information
Contacts: ldpl@fcg.aero +385 1777 6445
Skopje International Airport
Slot/PPR: slot
Airport of entry: yes
Pax handling: Business Lounge
Customs in facilities: not available
Fire category: 7
Fuel: Jet A-1, Avgas
More information
Contacts: lwsk@fcg.aero +385 1777 6445
Podgorica Airport
Slot/PPR: not required
Airport of entry: yes
Pax handling: VIP Lounge
Customs in facilities: not available
Fire category: 6
Fuel: Jet A-1
More information
Contacts: lypg@fcg.aero +385 1777 6445
Tivat Airport
Slot/PPR: not required
Airport of entry: yes
Pax handling: GAT
Customs in facilities: available
Fire category: 7
Fuel: Jet A-1
More information
Contacts: lytv@fcg.aero +385 1777 6445
Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport
Slot/PPR: not required
Airport of entry: yes
Pax handling: GAT
Customs in facilities: available
Hangar: available
Fire category: 7
Fuel: Jet A-1, Avgas
More information
Contacts: lybe@fcg.aero +385 1777 6445
Ljubljana Airport
Slot/PPR: not required
Airport of entry: yes
Pax handling: GAT
Customs in facilities: available
Fire category: 6
Fuel: Jet A-1, Avgas
More information
Contacts: ljlj@fcg.aero +385 1777 6445
Maribor Airport
Slot/PPR: not required
Airport of entry: yes
Pax handling: VIP Lounge
Customs in facilities: not available
Hangar: available
Fire category: 8
Fuel: Jet A-1, Avgas
More information
Contacts: ljmb@fcg.aero +385 1777 6445
Pristina International Airport
Slot/PPR: slot
Airport of entry: yes
Pax handling: VIP Lounge
Customs in facilities: available
Fire category: 8
Fuel: Jet A-1
More information
Contacts: bkpr@fcg.aero +385 1777 6445
Sofia Int. Airport
Slot/PPR: slot
Airport of entry: yes
Pax handling: VIP Lounge
Customs in facilities: available
Fire category: 8
Fuel: Jet A-1, Avgas
More information
Contacts: lbsf@fcg.aero +385 1777 6445
Burgas Airport
Slot/PPR: not required
Airport of entry: yes
Pax handling: VIP Lounge
Customs in facilities: available
Fire category: 8
Fuel: Jet A-1, Avgas
More information
Contacts: lbbg@fcg.aero +385 1777 6445
Varna Airport
Slot/PPR: not required
Airport of entry: yes
Pax handling: VIP Lounge
Customs in facilities: available
Fire category: 8
Fuel: Jet A-1, Avgas
More information
Contacts: lbwn@fcg.aero +385 1777 6445
Chisinau International Airport
Slot/PPR: not required
Airport of entry: yes
Pax handling: VIP Hall
Customs in facilities: available
Ramp access: available
Fire category: 7
Fuel: Jet A-1
More information
Contacts: lukk@fcg.aero +7 49 5927 3382
Budapest Ferenc Liszt Int. Airport
Slot/PPR: not required
Airport of entry: yes
Pax handling: GAT
Customs in facilities: available
Hangar: available
Ramp access: available
Fire category: 9
Fuel: Jet A-1
More information
Contacts: lhbp@fcg.aero +385 1777 6445


FBO RIGA is a part of Flight Consulting Group and operates at Riga International Airport since 2000 and has more than 20 years of experience in ground handling of non-scheduled flights. Ultra-modern Business Aviation Center was opened in September 2015.

FBO RIGA became an absolute leader in Handler / service Provider / FBO nomination receiving the first prize of Sapphire Pegasus Award and becoming the best FBO in Europe.

It is the first FBO in the Baltic States that demonstrated its conformity to the business aviation ground handling standard and received the IS-BAH Stage 2 certificate.

FBO RIGA continues its development providing new services for its customers. The new subsidiaries has been operating since June 1st, 2018.
FBO RIGA Terminal (1200 m2)
The FBO RIGA terminal is used both for servicing business aviation passengers and holding international meetings, presentations, and premium events. The terminal is equipped with six comfortable boarding areas, two VIP meeting rooms equipped with a state-of-the-art infrastructure, and a classy bar. Plane parking stands and the helipad are within just 10 meters of the exit to the apron.

A separate area with work and recreation rooms for flight crews is provided for in the terminal.
FBO RIGA Hangar (8400 m2)
The hangar is specially designed for the storage and technical maintenance of aircraft and can easily hold up to 5 Boeing Business Jets or 9 Gulfstream 550 business jets. It also provides a separate space for workshops, premises for the storage of aviation equipment, and offices for the engineering and technical staff.

The opening of new ultra-modern business aviation center allows FBO RIGA to improve its customer service quality, expand its range of services, and offer even more advantageous and flexible terms for the storage and technical maintenance of aircraft in Riga.
FBO RIGA Helicopters Operated by GM Helicopters
Exclusive and the only commercial helicopter service provider in the Baltics. Our goal is to bring modern, transparent and high-quality product to the market. AOC holder is GM Helicopters.

Currently there is one helicopter available: Airbus H125 (single-engine, 5 passengers).

More information.
FBO RIGA Catering by Resto-Rātors
After one year of successful cooperation with restaurant holding Resto-Rātors (provider of 18 most famous restaurants in Riga and Jurmala) we concluded exclusivity agreement and made a joint 24/7 service for business aviation.
FBO RIGA Transfer
Twelve new Mercedes S, V, E-Class cars are available under our new brand.

Luxury car rental is also possible in FBO RIGA.
FBO RIGA Concierge
Due to permanent and increasing interest of FBO RIGA clients (B2B and B2C) in concierge services we added travel concierge professionals to our team.

Our partners will get special conditions for Concierge and Travel services.

Beyond borders,
Beyond competition.
Perfection in every detail.

Business Aviation Center


In 2015, our company has put into service our own FBO RIGA Business Aviation Center, which has become one of the largest in the EU and the largest in the Baltics. The new business aviation center is in compliance with the highest standards of safety and customer service quality.

The new FBO RIGA center includes a state-of-the-art business aviation terminal (1,200 square meters) with an adjacent car park, a heated hangar (8,400 square meters), an apron with parking stands for business jets, and a helipad.

The philosophy of FBO RIGA is a personalized approach to every customer and an exceptional quality service meeting the highest international standards.
Photos of
FBO RIGA terminal

FBO RIGA offers a full range of services for the ground handling of aircraft, passengers, and flight crews of charter and business aviation flights at the Riga International Airport.


Business aviation operators and business jets owners are welcome to take advantage of our company’s attractive offers for the stationing and storage of aircraft at the new FBO RIGA Business Aviation Center.

FBO RIGA understands and highly appreciates the uniqueness of each of its customers; therefore, we shall be happy to develop a personalised jet stationing solution for you with the necessary range of services.

Ground handling

The full range of ground handling services is provided at the Riga International Airport: for aircraft, refuelling, watering, loading in-flight meals, placing the aircraft into the hangar, cabin cleaning and more; for passengers, passport and customs control, flight check-ins and others.

Apron parking

We offer attractive prices and conditions for the parking of aircraft on the apron at the FBO RIGA terminal: perfect availability for crews, engineering, technical and other aviation equipment on the apron, convenient logistics services.

Crew facilities

The terminal includes several recreation and briefing rooms for crews. Moreover, the following amenities are at the crew’s service: washing machine with a dryer, refrigerator, dishwasher, tea, coffee, water, ice, fresh newspapers and boxes for personal belongings.


We offer competitive rates for refuelling with Jet-A1 fuel.

Ground support equipment

FBO RIGA possesses all the necessary equipment for the ground handling of aircraft, such as ground power units, towing/push-back tugs, oxygen supply stations, as well as WC service, potable water service, tire pressure check and other equipment.


Treatment of all kinds of aircraft with de-/anti-icing liquids.

Aircraft cleaning and washing

Fuselage washing and an all-round cleaning of the cabin, the cockpit area, and the luggage compartments.

Maintenance by
JF Service

24/7 Base maintenance for the following aircraft types: Gulfstream G450, G550, G650, Bombardier CL-300/350/850 by FBO RIGA official partner – JF Service. Approved by EASA, Aruba, Bermuda, Kazakhstan, and Cayman Island CAA.
JF Service capabilities are door-to-door logistics of aircrafts parts, continuing airworthiness management, completion management, Part-21 Certifications, spare-part sale.


Customer Support is available 24/7

Tel: +371 67 668 676

JET TRAVEL is IATA certified 24/7 travel agency specializing in services for business aviation crew members.

Book your hotel


JET TRAVEL provides services for more than 100 business aviation companies on permanent support. Specialization on this area allows to provide the most suitable and comfortable services designed especially for crew members taking into account operations specifics.


JET TRAVEL provides 24/7 travel services using professional booking systems and adjusting service package for individual needs.


    Passenger limousines, helicopters and crew transfer (including car rental) arranging worldwide, trip monitoring and adjusting with flight schedule.


    Most suitable hotel offers especially for crew needs (taking into account distance from airport/city center, local environment), numerous of direct contracts.


    Travel route planning using special tariffs for air tickets, ferries and railway, complex route optimization and comparison from several sources.


Customer Support is available 24/7

Tel: +371 67 033 390


The wide-range functionality of the system encompasses all the necessary areas:

  • Management and planning (ERP)
  • Single information data base (CRM)
  • Flight scheduling
  • Flight following
  • Customer communication portal
  • Accounting, Invoicing
  • Reporting
  • Linking to other software

All your flight details right at your fingertips!



The intuitive user-friendly web-based interface supported by the major operating systems such as Windows, MAC OS, Android, and iOS


Allows work via a web browser from any device including smartphones and tablets


Cloud technologies and double duplication reservation


High level of security during data processing and storage (uptime 99.99%)


Professional support and prompt consulting services 24/7

ATOM in action

Flight planning

Customer order registration

Complex route setting and service package definition for each of its segments

Assigning flight support tasks, defining priorities

Flight support

Automated request creation by template

Status tracking and booking confirmation

Quality control and task completeness checking

Crew briefing forming


Flexible and individual rate-setting system

Invoice creation and distribution

Integration with the accounting system and Internet bank

External access

Access to all the necessary information for customers and suppliers

Orders submission

Messaging and file exchange

Individual interfaces for mobile devices and tablets


Storage of necessary information and documentation on customers, suppliers, airports, etc.

Integration of prices on the suppliers’ services

Individual report list formation

Exporting to Excel, PDF, sending via e-mail

Customers (CRM)

Storage of necessary information and documentation on customers, suppliers, airports, etc.

Integration of prices on the suppliers’ services

Built-in e-mail manager

FCG Aviation Development is an expert in the engineering design and development of business aviation infrastructure. Provides a professional support in recruitment and training, certification and licensing.


FCG Aviation Development is an expert in the engineering design and development of business aviation infrastructure. The company has successfully implemented several international projects, one of them is construction of the new FBO RIGA business aviation center at Riga International Airport.


FCG Aviation Development specialises in the implementation of turnkey infrastructure projects in the business aviation area and assists companies in matters of personnel selection for training and certification and licensing of the activities.

Comprehensive analysis and audit of the current situation

Functional and technological as well as organisational and financial aspects of business activity

This phase is necessary in order to obtain a detailed picture of the current situation, specification of the customer’s wishes, and analysis of the utilised technologies, procedures, and management practices.

Implementation of infrastructure projects in business aviation

Drafting of a concept and configuration of the full range of technological functions, planning, design, construction, and commissioning of the infrastructure facilities (hangars, terminals).

Personnel training and coaching for efficient management of the complex

Drafting of a schedule, selecting specialists with the necessary qualifications, building a team by areas of activity.

  • Identification of each specialist's functional responsibilities;
  • Identification of the level of responsibility and competences;
  • Definition of professional selection criteria;
  • Development of the specialist training programme;
  • Conducting familiarisation training for the selected personnel.

Creation of work documentation

Working out the matters of certification and licensing of activities and personnel in order to obtain the necessary national and international permits/approvals.


Tel: +371 67 207 300